Yorktown Family Services
Who We Are/Our Mission
DBSA Funding Allotments
Yorktown is grateful to be a member DSBA and OCGA and partnering with the City of Toronto and the OLG for c-Gaming fundraising. One of the absolute most difficult things to raise funds for is rent. Without funding for rent, as a social service organization, we would not be able to deliver the critical programs and services that the communities we support require. In addition, communication of our programs and services is crucial to ensure that those that are in need of social services, mental health support, or Violence Against Women shelter and programs know we are here to help.
Programs such as:
-Here To Help--a support program for children who have witnessed gender-based violence, helping them heal emotionally,
-Mindful Fathering--a program that helps fathers break the cycle of violence and become a positive influence in their children’s lives,
-Care Navigation--a program that ensures that clients with complex mental health needs are connected to all the support they require,
-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis--young adults who have had a psychotic break are supported in their local community