Settlement Assistance and Family Support Services
Who We Are/Our Mission
Our Mission
Empower and assist our community in accessing opportunities, in building their lives, and in fulfilling their dreams
Purpose of Our Charity
To support and assist newcomers, refugees, those in poverty and isolation and victims of any type of violence.
DBSA Funding Allotments
Funds are allocated towards the following:Rental of Storage Room, Rental of Office space (for VAW Program), ClientAssistance Program - (Fees for volunteers to assist clients when attendinglegal or medical appointments, driving clients to shelters, and providingtranslation services), Salary for Assistant VAW Counsellor, Salary for EnglishConversation Class Instructor, Emergency Travel Fees (for VAW clients),Bus Rental Fees - (for field trips when required), Emergency shelter in motel -(for VAW clients when required), Salary for Part-Time Mental HealthSpecialist - Not yet hired, Salary for Part-Time Assistant VAW Counsellor -Not yet hired and Speaker fees for workshops (CAS, Legal Aid Ontario,Access to Housing, Ontario Works and ODSP (upon approval when required).
DBSA Funds in Action